And, in parting from you now, Na rastanku hoću smelo
Thus much let me avow- Da ti priznam, uzavrelo:
You are not wrong, who deem Istina je, nije zgran
That my days have been a dream; Da mi dani behu san.
Yet if hope has flown away Kome prošlost prođe kad,
In a night, or in a day, Pa neka je jad, nejad,
In a vision, or in none, Ona prodje i njen sklad-
Is it therefore the less gone? Bio rad, ne bio rad.
All that we see or seem Svemu, svačem, svud si stran-
Is but a dream within a dream. Sve je samo u snu san.
I stand amid the roar Gde je morski peščan žal
Of a surf-tormented shore, Bije val, tutnji val-
And I hold within my hand Na dlanu mi zrnca peska
Grains of the golden sand- Zlatna sjaja, bleska reska-
How few! yet how they creep Malo ih je, skliznu, ginu,
Through my fingers to the deep, Sva kroz prste, u dubinu.
U dubinu, u tuđinu.
Osipa se pesak plah,
While I weep- while I weep! Plačem: obuzo me strah,
Svako zrnce, sav taj prah-
O God! can I not grasp Moći nemam ni nad kim
Them with a tighter clasp? Da ih čvršće zadržim.
O God! can I not save Zar nijednom zrncu spas
One from the pitiless wave? Od bezdani ispod nas?
Is all that we see or seem Kom sam blizak, kom sam stran?
But a dream within a dream? Zar je samo u snu san?
Prevod: Stanislav Vinaver
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